![]() Proposed List of Standards for Boys This document dates back to approximately 1974 and may have been intended to set the "standards" for gurukulas throughout ISKCON. The jpgs show how many demerit points students get for breaking each rule. ![]() * rules for prasadam [mealtime] * cleanliness. ![]() * dress code * tempe room behavior ![]() * ashrama [dorm] policies ![]() * moral policies PROPOSED LIST OF STANDARDS FOR BOYS I PRASADAM 1. The prasadam prayer should be chanted in the morning in English and in Bengali at lunch. The student should stand with folded hands to say the prayer. 2. The student should pay obeisances before and after taking prasadam. 3. There should be no talking during prasadam. 4. Prasadam should be taken on the request of the teacher. 5. The student should not leave prasadam before the teacher is finished. 6. One should stand at the end of prasadam and leave with the permission of his teacher. 7. Proper dress (dhoti, kurta or chadder, tilak) should be worn to every prasadam. 8. One should finish eating all prasadam he has taken on his plate. 9. One should not leave any prasadam around his plate or on the ground. 10. One should not in any way touch prasadam with his left hand. 11. No shoes for any reason should be worn through the prasadam area or left anywhere in vision. 12. No students should keep any prasadam or bhoga in their rooms with the exception of maha prasadam sent from their parents and it must be distributed within three days. 13. There should be no eating within the ashram room 14. Prasadam should only be taken at regular times. 15. Only Krsna prasadam should be eaten. II CLEANLINESS 1. All students must daily wash their clothes thoroughly. 2. Kaupins and gumpsha are to be washed thoroughly every day. 3. Each student must take at least two baths daily, one with soap. 4. Each student must thoroughly brush his teeth once a day and rinse his mouth thoroughly after each meal. 5. One must rinse his mouth, hands, and feet before and after eating and after passing urine. 6. One must bathe fully after evacuating. 7. One must wash his hands after touching his mouth. 8. One must always keep his fingernails short and clean. 9. If one is passing stool he must not bring his clothes into the bathroom. 10. No socks are to be worn in the bathroom. 11. Each student must mop his floor upon rising. III DRESS CODE 1. All students must wear school bought cloth. 2. Students should not wear silk cloth, fancy buttons or wide bordered dhotis. 3. Bathing or gym shorts should be worn only at the Yamuna or in the gymnasium. 4. All students above eight must wear kaupins (other underwear is not permissible). 5. All boys must shave [heads] at least once a month. 6. No winter jackets or other karmi clothes are allowed. 7. Only permissible items are to be kept in one's trunk. 8. If a student must, for legal or other serious reasons, keep more than one months long hair, the parent must notify the school at least six weeks in advance. The child then can shave his head and will not be required to shave again before he leaves. IV TEMPLE ROOM BEHAVIOR 1. One should participate in all kirtans. 2. One should not avoid bowing down before the Deity. 3. One should not bow down on one hand or in some other extraordinary way. v4. One should not offer obeisances silently. 5. One should not enter the temple room to worship the Lord until he has washed his hands and feet after eating. 6. One should not pass air or belch before the Deity. 7. One should not play with or throw flowers in the temple room. 8. One should not turn his back to the Deities. 9. One should fold his hands or raise his arms before the Deity during kirtan. 10. One should not engage in conversation before the Deity. 11. All students are expected to sit up properly and listen to Bhagavatam class. 12. There should be no talking during Bhagavatam class. 13. One's hands should be kept folded in his lap during Bhagavatam class (one should not play with anything or fidget). 14. One should not sleep during Bhagavatam class. If tired one may stand, but not lean on the wall or columns. 15. Only initiated boys are allowed to perform guru puja, tulasi puja, or fanning Prabhupada in the temple. 16. There should be no fighting for any reason in the temple room. V ASHRAM POLICIES 1. Students are not allowed to keep money. 2. Students are not allowed to sell things or trade them with others. 3. One should not enter another ashram room without permission from an ashrama teacher. 4. The guesthouse and restaurant are off limits without a written note from the ashram teacher. 5. A gate pass is required to leave the school premises. 6. If one does not go with the kirtan procession to the Yamuna, a written permission from his teacher is required. 7. The last person leaving a room must shut off all fans and lights. 8. One must flush the toilet after using. All shower and sink faucets must be shut after use. 9. A student must observe the school curfew unless they have a note from the ashrama teacher. 10. Rock and roll or cinema music is not allowed in the school. 11. All recreational paraphernalia must be kept with the ashrama teacher. 12. No pictures or stickers are to be placed anywhere in the school without the permission of the teacher in charge of the room. VI. MORAL POLICIES 1. One must follow vigilantly the four regulative principles. 2. One should not lie. 3. One should not steal. 4. One should not hit another Vaisnava. 5. One should not use foul language. 6. One should not in any way deface school property. 7. One should not litter the school premises. 8. One should not throw anything off of or spit from the veranda or roof. 9. One should not talk or communicate in any way with any woman unless it is school business. 10. One must not be defiant to a teacher's order or a school rule. 11. One must not talk back to his teacher. Click here for Timeline index. Click here for more ISKCON gurukula information. Click here for an index of all child abuse information available through this site. ![]() |