dispatch "Let us, you and me, pray for peace and let us make our hearts fit to accept it when it comes. Let us make our intellect, and our soul, and our will and our feeling ready to receive it and embrace it even before it comes. Let us in the stillness of our own soul go back to that ineffable Presence which is Peace and proclaim It even in the midst of confusion - that peace which is the power at the heart of God."
- Ernest Holmes

Kamala Harris for President
July 26, 2024

When the three weeks of chaos ended on Sunday, Kamala Harris stepped up to run for president. By the end of Monday she won the trust of enough Democratic delegates to get the nomination. The next day she had a thousand more delegates and by now she probably has nearly all the delegates on her side. She raised more money this week than ever happened in our history. She's spoke to ten thousand women on Zoom calls - enough to crash Zoom! People are registering to vote and young people are inspired to save their own future and the future of sustainable Earth.

Instead of cowering in our well or thinking of how to leave the country when it falls to fascism, Americans are full of enthusiasm and joy. It's been a long time since we've felt this way. President Joseph Biden showed gracious courage and love for America.

Kamala Harris Releases First Presidential Campaign Ad. Watch it here: Youtube

President Biden Passes the Torch to VP Harris
July 21, 2024

Today President Biden decided to withdraw from the race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris. I was against this, but certain people insisted and I'm just glad this frustrating argument is over because I believe she can win.

The pundits at the Washington Post think VP Harris must try to form a "unity" ticket by taking on a Republican running mate. Maybe she could find a left-wing Independent, but at this point Republicans have nothing to unify about. There are a couple of Republicans who are against insurrection, but Republicans are against spending government money to help lift people out of poverty. Republicans generally don't promote unions. They don't believe in spending government money on infrastructure. They are hawkish and start wars. They don't like regulations. They support the way the Supreme Court is. They don't want to bring manufacturing back to the USA. Republicans are against abortion rights. Republicans want to cut taxes for rich people.

This is not "unity" and cannot make a "unity ticket." Plus, even if VP Harris formed a Republican unity ticket, Republicans still wouldn't vote for her because: 1) she's not Donald Trump; 2) she's multiracial; and 3) she's a woman.

I would rather she choose a running mate who is liberal like President Joe Biden. I think Biden would make a great vice president and mentor.

Fact Checking the Assassination Attempt
July 21, 2024

The unsuccessful assassin who tried to kill Trump on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania was a twenty year old Republican man. He got the gun from his father's collection. Neighbors said the family had Trump yard signs in front of their house in previous elections.

The would-be assassin's motive is still under investigation. The reason for the breach of security is still under investigation.

At first they said this young man donated to Biden's campaign in 2021, but that was proven to be not true. It was a different man with the same name.

Democrats did not conspire with the gunman. Democrats had nothing to do with it.

Indivisible Response to Violent Attack at Trump's Rally
July 13, 2024

Indivisible sent three recommendations for this situation:

• Condemn political violence in no uncertain terms. This is not a time for "but . . ." Political violence is wrong and it's important to say so. You do not need a long essay -- make it short and to the point.

• Beware of conspiracy theories. Social media, as expected, is awash with misinformation right now. Let me say this: If Biden had been targeted in a similar attack, and rightwingers raised questions about its legitimacy, believability, or who was really to blame, we would rightfully criticize them as conspiracy theorists. Avoid being influenced by or spreading misinformation in this moment - it does nobody any good.

• Wait for more information. We know very little right now other than that Trump was injured and at least one bystander was killed. More information will come, and we will assess that information once it is verified and made public.

This is Where Things Stand
July 13, 2024

This Substack editorial came out yesterday and here at Surrealist News, we agree! Unite to save your democracy now.

The Left's Reckless Crusade
by John Pavlovitz

Is there a Conspiracy to "Replace" White People?
June 16, 2024

There is no conspiracy to replace white people. Also, the goal, the dream is equality and justice for all. We are made up of people from all countries, all races, all religions. That's honorable. That's what still makes America the light of the world. I wish the same for Europe.

Republican Campaign Lies
June 13, 2024

Democrats have a secret ritual of eating babies - False
Democrats want to "abort" babies to kill them after they are born. - False (wtf?)
Democrats set up "open borders" with Mexico - False
Democrats allow undocumented immigrants to vote - False
January 6, 2021 was a glorious day for America - False
The Biden family has much more crime going on that has not been found - False
Trump never committed these crimes and the trials are simply political persecution - False.
Joe Biden was president the first year of Covid (2020) - False
Joe Biden made abortion illegal - False
Donald Trump lowered the price of insulin - Misleading - he announced it in May 2020 but it only helped people in certain Advantage plans
As part of President Biden's historic Inflation Reduction Act, nearly four million seniors on Medicare with diabetes started to see their insulin costs capped at $35 per month starting in January 2023. - True

Calling on George W. Bush
June 4, 2024

Please do something about Alito. You raised him to the Supreme Court and he is apparently in some sort of melt down. He seems in favor of overturning American democracy. I was born in a free country and want to pass along a free country to future generations.

June 1, 2024

A couple days ago, May 30 to be exact, we turned on our TVs to see the words "Trump convicted of felony" on the screen. It was unanimous, fair, and true. At least here on Earth One. I see this event as a touch stone or talisman to remember the awe and justice we saw on May 30.

Talisman is an object we use to focus on our spiritual and emotional goals. It derives from the ancient Greek words telesma and the verb teleo, which mean basically I complete a religious rite.

Is Trump Guilty for Criminal Acts?
May 1, 2024

We can't tell you if he's guilty because he gets a fair trail. However, the defendant is taking a risk breaking his gag order to complain about how they're treating him. He said he doesn't know these women and he's perfectly innocent of any crime.

We don't know that either, since the first criminal trial is still underway. However, if you are a Trump supporter consider what he means by that. Is he really innocent? I thought Republicans liked him because of the way he gets away with his crimes. That's just gaslighting for him to claim this is political persecution.

How a Conspiracy Theory Works
April 26, 2024

Excerpt from Bill Gates Real Estate Theory
Last year, conspiracy theorists claimed that the Microsoft founder was buying up farmland in the U.S. in order to starve Americans for an unknown reason, Snopes said, after researchers said in April that the world was facing a potential food shortage as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

When you do a crime and blame someone else, that makes it easier to get away with the crime. So if you blame Bill Gates for everything, it allows the real offenders to get away. Apparently Ukraine was a bread basket of produce and grains for that part of the world. Russia making war to take their territory, attacking civilians, destroying their infrastructure, yes, there's a food shortage now. It's because Russia has been bombing Ukraine for the last two years. But blame Bill Gates and everyone will look the other way.

Send Love to Palestinians, Jews, and College Students Today
April 24, 2024

This week the media has been covering the student protests at private colleges. People are walking out of class and schools are having trouble managing this situation. There's already too much police activity. So let's hope it stays peaceful. This reminds me of the anti-Vietnam War protests in the 1960s I attended or watched on TV.

Criminal Court
April 16, 2024

I'm glad one of the former president's criminal trials has started. Besides the criminal bookkeeping he allegedly used to pay off women, it was also election interference. These women and their claims could have wrecked his election. One had an affair with him when Melania was pregnant and he got together with the other one when Barron was just born.

This man has hopped from one woman to the next all his life and was not loyal to any of them. Maybe certain kinds of women will agree to put up with that if money is involved. Some women accept the man the way he is because they are in love.

To most women behavior like that in a partner would be humiliating. Love and marriage are absolute. Don't marry a man for his money and don't tolerate adultery.

News from the Department
April 5, 2024, edited April 26

Latest news from the Department of Things Most People Already Know: Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, does not want vaccines to wipe out humanity, has not bought up all the farm land in America, does not want to microchip you. He is not conspiring with Israel to make things worse in the Middle East.

Modern Art and the Cold War
April 6, 2024

I for one believe in America and always have. I've diagreed with things at times and went to peace demonstrations and took part in a lot of that. I've also studied history. One really cool thing about us is this story: Was Modern Art Really a CIA Psy-Op?

Over the years President Biden has gradually turned away from his conservative early politics. It's a good thing to mellow with age. We can only save our planet if we come together. So that's what we need.

The people trying to overthrow the American government should be ashamed of themselves. They get the chance as a human being on Earth and what do they do with that precious gift? They ruin other people's lives. So in the case of the former president I see it like a series of trials . . . he can face this trial, or postpone the other trial, and so on. But if consciousness survives the death of the body, he could face his trial there, where things could be better or worse than here. So good luck.

"It is too late, he drags me down; I sink, I sink, - my soul is lost forever!" - Macbeth's last words

Speaking Out Against the Trump Bible
March 29, 2024

In Holy Week this year the former president announced his new enterprise to raise money: he made up a highly altered version of the Bible. This Bible blends religion with politics, breaking down the separation of church and state we have long observed here in America. Sure there are lots of Christians in America, but we do not equate the Bible with Americanism.

The new Bible includes the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance, and an American flag.

This is an insult to Christians who are not American and Americans who are not Christian. The most difficult part of this spectacle is that not one Christian spokesperson has said anything about it.

The former president worked hard to cause chaos and increase hatred among Americans, and now he's after the Christian religion. Beware.

I'm a Christian, born into an honored lineage of Lutheran preachers including Rev. Carl Runge (1859 - 1956 - St. Paul's Church, Hanover Township, Iowa) and Rev. Peter Heinrich Dicke (1822 - 1911 - pioneer missionary in Northern Wisconsin). So on behalf of my ancestors who are likely rolling over in the graves, I want to speak for them and criticize this fake Bible. It's slander, it's misguided, and it's a disaster for Christianity.

Editor's Note May 1, 2024: Finally a Christian is speaking out: ChristianPost.com: Pastor Loran Livingston of Central Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, condemned the "God Bless the USA Bible" in a sermon delivered on April 14. It's hard to listen to because the pastor considers abortion murder (while we believe no abortion rights can mean death to the mother with pregnancy complications). But toward the end he condemns the attempt to combine the Bible and American politics.

Best Way to Worry
March 16, 2024

The best way to worry is to break up the chore with friends so you don't have to do it all the time. For one thing worrying and feeling frightened doesn't do any good. But still, with the headlines we've been seeing and the bias of TV news, it's scary to think we could end up imprisoned in tyranny like Russia or Hungary.

Plus, it would be a waste of energy to worry all year long because that could suppress the vote. We need to live our lives over the next months as the mainstream media Sirens try to pull us into their visions of doom. We have a good chance of winning so we need to remain positive. The majority of voters want America to remain a free country that respects laws, institutions, and civilization in general.

To make it through the duration, set up a schedule where you go over your concerns for an hour a day, maybe right after breakfast. Think everything through, then pray or concentrate to visualize a good outcome. Jot down any good ideas that come to mind. Then let it go until the next day. This way you will have twenty-three hours to feel okay, appreciating your life and people you meet; getting your work done, and relaxing.

If you have like minded friends and you don't have time to worry for an hour a day, maybe you and your friends could take turns worrying. Like you could worry on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, one person could worry Thursday and Friday, and one more person could take weekends.

Gratitude for People Who Work for Change
February 28, 2024

Thank you for going out of your way to collect signatures on abortion rights petitions. Thanks you to the people who send me these thousands of texts and fundraising emails even though I have to keep erasing. I admire people who work for change and I love to live in a place where the votes of citizens count.

I've gone knocking on doors and collecting signatures on occasion. But my gratitude goes to people who are working this election year. We must support them. If you have the time but not the money: volunteer. If you have the money but not the time: donate to the candidates of your choice at actblue.com. Even if you just donate $8 it counts toward their goal to attract more small donations. Now in 2024 we see people fixing roads and bridges and we cannot take this for granted. We actually need more Democrats because we can get more done and there is much more to do. We are moving forward thanks to the know-how of a leader who has experience at his job. I mailed in my ballot for Biden yesterday! and I look forward to the future.

Year of the Wood Dragon
February 10, 2024

Nori artwork

Nori artwork

Nori artwork


Nori artwork

Nori artwork

Nori artwork


Nori artwork

Nori artwork


Nori artwork

Nori artwork

Nori artwork


Nori artwork

Nori artwork

Nori artwork


Nori artwork

Nori artwork

Surrealist News Endorsements
February 1, 2024

We support both Taylor Swift and President Biden. We support voting for Democrats all down the ballot because it's dangerous to give power to Republicans right now.

When I was born, the president was Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was a Republican. However, he did not campaign for a dictator as today's Republicans do. President Eisenhower was an honorable man who cared for Americans. He was a decorated veteran of World War II.

The Republican party has moved so far to the right since the Eisenhower administration. If Eisenhower was around today he would look like a liberal Democrat.

This is why we endorse both Taylor Swift and Democrats.

2024: A Pivotal Year Ahead
January 13, 2024

I've studied the I Ching since the 1960s and wrote my own version of the I Ching in 1994. Since that time I've worked on revising the manuscript and posted it on the Internet as soon as I got my domains. Over the years, thousands of people have visited my website (this site) for a free reading from the I Ching. I also consult the I Ching on my website from time to time.

In 2020 I started to consult the I Ching to write predictions for the coming year. My essays are published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence annual Predictions issues. Last year I also wrote predictions based on I Ching for two other magazines: Qi Journal and DreamTime.

Click here to read predictions for 2024: 2024: A Pivotal Year Ahead: Advice from the I Ching To see my other writing for Sedona go to norimuster.com.

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