Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion: This right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. - United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18

Party in Session music of Michael Rose
Rasta Gear Shop Handmade woollen Rastafarian and Reggae clothing, including hats, tams, scarves and belts in authentic Jamaican styles
Rasta Ites - All information, links, everything
Morgan Heritage: Protect Us Jah
Jacob Miller: Chapter a Day (double album)
Jacob Miller: Who Say Jah No Dread
Reggae Festival Guide - festivals, tours and radio stations around the world
Jah Works a Berkeley Publication about Caribbean-based Music and Culture
Freddie McGregor: Signature link here to listen to clips at Amazon.com
Hath... The Lion Prevailed...? book by John Moodie
Bob Marley official Bob Marley homepage
Songs of Freedom box set, link here to hear clips of this Bob Marley classic.
Green Gold the Tree of Life: Marijuana in Magic & Religion, by Chris Bennet. Amazon customer review: "A very valueable resource for anyone interested in the scholarly side of psychedelic history and the anthropological effects."

link index
