Stockholm Syndrome

Nori art photography

In June 2015, I traveled to Europe to present Child of the Cult at the annual conference of the International Cultic Studies Association.* I only had one day to get out and see things before the conference started. To really photograph Stockholm would take months, but here are some highlights from an afternoon walking the ancient streets of Gamla Stan.

Nori art photography

Gamla Stan, the center island of Stockholm, has parks, churches, shopping squares, a castle, and streets lined with shops and flats. Everything is walking distance or a convenient bus ride away. Here's a local resident returning from the market. In the distance, shop windows.

Nori art photography

Nori art photography

Nori art photography

Nori art photography

Nori art photography

Nori artist

Here's one of me in Gamla Stan (above), and me giving my presentation back at the hotel (below).

Nori public speaker

Child of the Cult* is probably the best book I've written, and it's my final statement on child abuse. In the closing ceremonies, the organization's president remind us we met in Stockholm, voluntarily stayed inside a hotel for four days, and willingly participated in the conference and did everything the organizers asked. We identified with the cause, and thereby we all exhibited symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome!

