
Hexagram Forty-five—Assembly

Hexagram Forty-five signifies a community coming together in ceremony. The leader performs a ritual for peace and prosperity. In this time of harmony it is good to take action and seek favors.

The first line, yin, shows one who is confused and defeated. Calling out for help and going forward will bring the desired results.

The second line, yin, shows one who goes forward with the help of a qualified person. Out of sincerity, even a small offering in the sacrifice will be accepted.

The third line, yin, shows a person who is tired and confused, with no hope in sight. Going forward alone will have advantages and disadvantages.

The fourth line, yang, shows small discrepancies in the ceremony, but it is successful because the leader is sincere.

The fifth line, yang, shows the community gathering for the ceremony. The leader must find sincerity of heart in order to win the confidence of all participants. This will bring good fortune.

The sixth line, yin, shows a humble person full of regret. Despite this repentant state of mind, there is no error.

Hexagram Forty-five Commentary

This hexagram shows us one of life's sweet moments, and the example is of a community "coming together in ceremony." However, like a beautiful rosebush, even when it blooms, it still has thorns. In this time of harmony, people who are in need may reveal their sorrows and come forward for assistance.

The subject of the first line, yin, is "confused and defeated." This is a time when this person will call out for help.

The subject of the second line, yin, feels sincerely grateful for the community's support. Even if the subject can only manage a small offering , it is welcome in the ceremony.

The subject of the third line, yin, is "tired and confused," and has not connected with anyone. This subject may go forward alone, which is good. However it will be difficult because the person may still feel there is no hope in sight.

The fourth line, yang shows the ceremonial leaders are benevolent and the people love and admire them. In this atmosphere there is no harm if the rituals have small discrepancies. The overall feeling is of goodwill.

The fifth line, yang, shows the ceremony itself. The leader connects with their own sincerity in carrying out the rites.

The subject of the sixth line, yin, is "full of regret." Honest people have a conscience and feel bad if they inconvenience others. However, everything is really okay. Regret may also refer to the type of sadness that is cleansing. Marking traditions may make people nostalgic for good times, or people, or things we once had.

To the reader: Most of the hexagrams have at least one line that predicts bad results, but that does NOT mean you are fated to that result. The hexagrams illustrate different attitudes, so study the actions and reactions to learn the attitudes that will lead to better outcomes.

The I Ching teaches you to flow with changes and create positive change from the inside through conscious living. Your future is in your hands. Consult the I Ching for ideas that lead to clear thinking and positive mental attitude. Reading the I Ching helps you take the time to reflect on your attitudes and ideas. Continue asking until you feel positive about your course.

Click here for another hexagram.

A note about this interpretation of the I Ching: Nori Muster wrote this version of the I Ching in 1994 and put it online at in 2000. It is also available at Amazon:
