
Hexagram Thirty-two—Perseverance

Hexagram Thirty-two signifies enduring the struggle. The situation appears incorrect, but there is no mistake. Advantage will come in being steadfast and sincere.

The first line, yin, shows one who wants to secure a commitment before it is possible. Feeling needlessly insecure will only make things worse.

The second line, yang, shows that remaining balanced, the insecurity passes and the situation becomes more sure.

The third line, yang, shows one who breaks their faith instead of remaining true. When the situation passes, they will have added cause for regret and critics will have cause to cast blame.

The fourth line, yang, shows one searching in a vacant field for game. A futile struggle will never bring the desired result.

The fifth line, yin, shows a careful woman married to an adventurous man. The situation is harmonious, but the woman should not impose her method of virtue on the man.

The sixth line, yin, shows that once the crisis has passed, the leadership tries to keep up the mood of excitement. This will not increase production, but rather will bring misfortune.

Hexagram Thirty-two Commentary

Life may sometimes bring periods of prolonged difficult situations. It may seem like the situation is unfair, and should not have happened in the first place. However, the introduction says, "There is no mistake." the situation is happening for whatever reason, so the main thing is to show up and deal with it.

In a random struggle or crisis, there is no guarantee of the outcome. The first line, yin, says we can't get a commitment or make a deal with the universe. Even still, the best attitude subject can take is to turn toward the challenge and do the best they can. The message is: don't give in to feelings of insecurity.

The second line, yang, says the best attitude is to remain balanced. As it plays out, the situation will become more sure and insecurity will pass.

The third line, yang, shows one who cannot withstand the challenge, who loses faith. This will be a cause for regret after the crisis passes.

The fourth line, yang, offers the metaphor of "one searching in a vacant field for game." Instead of going off track, looking for diversions, the advice is to stay focused on the situation.

The fifth line, yin, offers the metaphor of "a careful woman married to an adventurous man." Each has their own way of coping with stress. The adventurous man may enjoy a good challenge, while the careful woman may get nervous. It's best if she does not attempt to criticize or control her adventurous husband. Everyone has their own style of coping.

The sixth line, yin, offers the metaphor of leaders who try to keep the mood of crisis going after the situation is passed. They do this because they think people will be more productive, but it is wrong to purposely keep people nervous and on edge. Perpetual crisis leads to exhaustion. It's bad enough when there's an unwanted struggle, but simply cruel to impose this mood when not necessary.

To the reader: Most of the hexagrams have at least one line that predicts bad results, but that does NOT mean you are fated to that result. The hexagrams illustrate different attitudes, so study the actions and reactions to learn the attitudes that will lead to better outcomes.

The I Ching teaches you to flow with changes and create positive change from the inside through conscious living. Your future is in your hands. Consult the I Ching for ideas that lead to clear thinking and positive mental attitude. Reading the I Ching helps you take the time to reflect on your attitudes and ideas. Continue asking until you feel positive about your course.

Click here for another hexagram.

A note about this interpretation of the I Ching: Nori Muster wrote this version of the I Ching in 1994 and put it online at in 2000. It is also available at Amazon:
