Summary of my Numinous Mystical Experiences
by Nori Muster


The first three experiences could have been dreams, as they occurred while I was sleeping or in bed. The last two were encounters with spirits during waking life. The spirit encounters could be hallucinations, or real, I don't know. Still, I think back on all these experiences as loving and numinous.

C. 1966
Near Death Out of Body Experience

While bedridden with mumps meningitis at approximately ten years old, I floated out of my body and hovered near the ceiling. I could hear music coming from the floor heater vent. I had no idea what it was, but twenty-five years later a friend introduced me to the Tibetan lamas of Drepung Loseling Monastery. I already had a CD of their music, so I was familiar with it. Seeing them perform in person put all the pieces together for me. I recognized their music as the same music I had heard as a child.


In 2017 I attended a workshop, "Mythic Drawing: An Archetypal Approach to Drawing with Dreams," by Keith Himebaugh, Ph.D. Even though this was more of a near-death, or out-of-body experience, I used it for the dream drawing exercises. Those sketches led to this drawing of the experience.

Stepped on in India

My first night on a trip to India, someone stepped on me. I was in my sleeping bag on the floor of a crowded women's ashram, and it was dark. I heard screaming and found myself sitting in a lotus flower. I tipped forward to see where the screaming came from, and saw my own body. I also noticed the stem of the lotus connected to my navel. My only thought was questioning whether I could get back in my body. Then someone flipped on the lights and I woke up. My friends gathered around me and I realized I was okay. The only bad thing was a cracked sternum, which pretty much healed by the time I returned home after two weeks in India and two additional weeks in Italy.

January 3-4, 1989
Angel of Death

My father died peacefully at home after two-and-a-half years of cancer. I was in the next room when he died, but my brother told me in the last moments he had reached his hand up to an unseen being and said "pink and purple, bring it closer." Then his hand dropped and he was gone. Sometime early the next morning after not much sleep, I felt the presence of an angelic figure, about a hundred feet high. It was standing over our house with its skirts covering the entire house. I felt a sense of peace, and perceived the angel assist my father's soul ascend with love.

The Ghost of Catalina

While in St. Augustine, Florida, I saw the ghost of Catalina de Porras. She is a famous ghost who lived in the 1700s. The house she haunted had burned down in 1887 when fire swept the town, but was rebuilt. Catalina's house is now a Harry's Seafood Bar & Grille, and a big group of us had dinner there. They seated us around a large table upstairs, near the women's powder room where Catalina is often detected. Toward the end of the evening, a few of us went to the powder room to see if we could find her, then we went back to the table. Within a couple minutes, I noticed a lighted and transparent female figure dressed in 1700s-era clothing pull a chair up to the table, seating herself between me and the woman to my left. The vision only lasted a second, and then I felt cold and had to go home. Nobody believed me that I had seen Catalina.


In 2014, I found this 3-1/2" statue in a pottery shop in Guadalupe, Arizona. I bought it because it reminded me of Catalina de Porras, and I love it.

I posted more information about Catalina De Porras at*

January 23, 2015
Visitation with Scott

Scott, one of my favorite people in the world, died too young. He actually prolonged his terminal diagnosis by two-and-a-half years, like my father. By the time he died, I had forgotten he was dying, so it hit me really hard. Scott and I used to discuss theology. He was an atheist and I'm an agnostic-theist. I told him I believe there are other dimensions to reality, and this is not the only place we experience consciousness.

On the day he died, I was dressing after my shower and Scott came to me. He said, "I'm watching them take my body to the morgue. You were right about consciousness." I remember being completely lucid, and feeling his presence, and feeling what he had to say. I could sense him in front of the water heater closet, as a faint mirage.

Dream Index